Understanding Self-Worth (WIP)!

Understanding my self-worth did not come easy to me. Every time I thought I understood the concept, I was tested by circumstances and I failed. But the beauty is, life doesn't stop testing you until you pass it successfully. Basis my experience so far, I have come to believe that self-worth stems from self-love . So, I have watched a zillion self-love videos, movies on empowerment, read motivational quotes, heard songs and speeches. Yet every time I had to prove my love for myself, I just didn't make it through. You could say that it is a price, that people who were brought up to be kind , pay. It roots from the very time when I wasn't allowed to switch on the lights when the elder men in my family were sleeping in a room that had the full-length mirror, even if I needed to get ready for school. It roots from the time when the ladies in my family always kept the bigger pieces of the fish or meat or larger share of a delicacy, for the men and children (they did it voluntar...